So, I was watching a movie last night entitled Willard. Not one that I would particularly recommend, but I noticed an interesting point as I thought about it today. The story was about Willard, a mid to late thirty year old man, still living with his mother. He hadn't done much with his life, very reclusive, and he worked for a company that his father started, even though his father was now dead. His boss was kind of heartless towards his situation and vulnerability and let him know that daily. Anyhow, through the story Willard is pushed to his sanities edge when his mom dies, and his only other friend, a pet rat named Sparticus is killed by his boss. Meanwhile, there is a girl in Willards office that has taken pitty on, and shown interest in him. But he can't seem to really notice that with all of the other losses consuming his world. Anyway, at that point in the story, Willard had a choice. The same choice he'd had all of his life, but at that point it was more prevalent, the choice of being a proactive agent in his life, or a victim. The reason I do not recommend this movie is because he chose to become a victim. He blamed all of his insecurities and sadness on his boss and ended up killing his boss-YUCK! When he could have chosen to move on, marry that girl, and live a much happier life than he had been living up to that point.
So today, I have chosen to be an proactive agent in my life rather than a psychopath that chooses to blame all of the worlds woes on others. I do have a tendency, as do we all at times, to take the victim role without even being aware of it, giving up my own power for some false sense of security. Wasn't that Satans plan. He wanted us to give up some of our agency, our right to choose, so that we could all be victims, have someone else to blame, all for a false sense of security. I sometimes wonder if that isn't what Obama's new health plan isn't partially about.
Christ's plan is the opposite. It is about taking responsiblity. Being a pro active choice maker. This is why we are taught to love those that despitefully hate and use us. That right there is a pro active choice. It is action, not reaction. Willard chose to re-act. I choose to act.
That is one creepy movie i watched it in Jr High so its been a while. i have never thought about it that way. i am surprised there is actually something, some type of lesson that could be learned from that movie. but its so true, i know thats something i probably should work on, not being the victim.