I graduated from BYU in Marriage and Family Studies almost eight months ago. And guess what, I still don't have a job. At first I started by creating my own business, but when I realized that that was going to take more money than I thought, I decided to start job hunting. Thus far my efforts remain fruitless.
I wrote on my facebook today, "One of the hardest lessons of life is learning that doing a positive thing does not always appear to have a positive outcome. The true test of bravery is choosing to see the positive anyway." The reason that I wrote that is because I feel like I have had to learn that lesson over and over again.
After my mom died on my mission, I had certain expectations for the blessings that I would be recieving for enduring well. Namely, come home, find a beautiful bride and get married. I think that the Lord laughed at many of those expectations and gave me the blessing of wisdom instead. Wisdom is an interesting blessing because it is not tangible or measurable, and can always be disputed by anyone at any time. I defined wisdom the other day as, "Wisdom is knowing how to love the world." I would also add, knowing how to love the world no matter the circumstances.
Anyway, after I had a bad break up with a beautiful girl... well... It is not that positive hasn't happened, it just hasn't happened in the way that I had expected. I often pray that the Lord will open my eyes to the blessings that he is giving me.
Most recently is graduating... A good thing? Yes. Good results... No Job... Only Wisdom :) I have been learning a lot about patience over the last few weeks in particular. I have also been gaining the ability to empathize with those who have had, and will have similar experiences.
I found it interesting last night, I was watching one of the newest versions of Romeo and Juliet with a few friends. I'm not sure what year it was made, but it was a weird twist of modern senery with oldschool language. Anyway, at the end of the show, I realized that I had very little empathy for the characters. I decided that that was because I couldn't find an experience in my own life that I felt very directly compared.
So there's a direct / intangible blessing we gain from experience, the blessing of empathy. Which is arguably one of the most important, if not the most important blessing we can recieve. The reason we are on this earth is not for cars, food, housing, and money obviously, but for people. Men are that they might have joy, and the only way to gain joy is to give it to, and recieve it from others. And the only way to truly give and recieve joy effectively is through empathy. Isn't that what our Savior taught us through the Atonement? Isn't that what we praise him for every Sunday; His ability to empathize and succor us?
We are taught that the great law is to mourn with those that mourn, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort. How can we sufficiently do this unless we go through mortal experiences which teach us to empathize. As we empathize, we gain our most valuable commodity, connection with one another. So, rounding my thought off, I guess our greatest blessing isn't empathy, but connection with eachother, which is the same reason we do family history and temple work.
So, what a great blessing I am recieving in my jobless, marriageless state; I'm continually learning wisdom, and how to connect with God and His children!
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